Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our Website is here!

We are so excited and so thankful for all the hard work of everyone involved in our website design. Special Thank yous to Karen Price and the Van High School design team. God's blesings on you. The website is beautiful. Everyone check out our website at:

Blessings and Hoofprints!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gracie's Dollar by Dollar Fundraiser

Little Gracie is so excited about her little fundraiser that is becoming quite large! She is asking each peron to donate $1.00 to Solid Rock Youth Ranch to go towards the purchase of a new "home" for Solid Rock. We are expanding and are in need of our new faciltiy. Check out her letter. With the creation of the website, you will be able to give online at the website, but until then, please send your donations to:

Solid Rock Youth Ranch
P.O. Box 954, Mineola, TX, 75773

Website Coming Soon!!!!

For all of you who are looking foward to our website,, coming....The waiting is just about over!!! It should be up in the next few days!! A webdesigner, I am not, but I am thankful for those that Karen, Macy, Marleigh, and Lisa! Thank you a thousand thank yous. You are priceless to Solid Rock! Your work will bless many!